CaseCrunch uses safe, accurate AI to eliminate manual drudgery and help lawyers work with superhuman speed and accuracy.
CaseCrunch was built from the ground up for lawyers, on our pillars of speed, accuracy and safety.
Casecrunch can build core litigation documents like case chronologies and lists of parties up to 100x faster than a human.
CaseCrunch is more accurate than a team of legal researchers, and is packed with features to increase transparency and allow review.
CaseCrunch as been built with bank grade security measures to protect your privacy and personal data.
CaseCrunch can extract key case events from hundreds of documents and present them in a fully referenced case chronology - in minutes, not days or weeks.
CaseCrunch can instantly identify and organise all people and companies in your case, outlining their relationships and roles, in a clear, accessible and shareable format.
Custom Search in CaseCrunch enables precise, context-aware searches across case documents, turning hours of research into seconds.
CaseCrunch was built with accuracy, trust and safety first
CaseCrunch provides everything you need for successful collaboration. Create, edit and discuss outputs with colleagues and clients.
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